I CANNOT believe that Kyleigh is 3 weeks old already!! She has grown SO much! When we left the hospital she was 6lbs 8oz and at her doctor's appt a week ago she was 7lbs 13oz! I think we're gonna have a little chub on our hands! She is getting stronger everyday! she can hold her head up and opening her eyes all the time now! She had her days and nights mixed up and was keeping us awake all night but i think she's almost got back to normal now. one time she slept for 4 HOURS in between feedings! What a nice treat for mommy and daddy! :) She poops at least 8 times a day so we are thankful that she LOVES her bath time! My family came and stayed with me for two weeks after she was born. My mom for the first (dad, jen, and jerre came for a few days while mom was here) and rachel for the second week. They were such life savers! My recovery has not been easy and i don't think scott and I would have survived without them for those first two weeks! I LOVEd having them here and miss them terribly! There is no doubt that Kyleigh will be the most spoiled girl in the world! Well, here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks!

First Bath at home!

Rachel dressed her up like a boxer!

She LOVES aunt rae rae

I went to the bathroom after her feeding and came back to find this...PRICELESS!